Modular offices Containex:

You can save money on organizing an office and at the same time get the most comfortable and safe building by renting a Containex structure.


Modular office buildings can be built up to 3 floors with all the necessary facilities: a conference room, a manager's office, a toilet, a kitchen, etc. The structures have a stylish exterior design - stairs, secondary roofs, any kind of cladding and interior decoration made of fireproof non–toxic certified materials.


At the same time, a rented office from Containex will have the entire set of necessary communications (electricity, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, sewerage, water supply), and cost several times less than a reinforced concrete one. If necessary, it can be rebuilt at any time, quickly dismantled and transported to another place, assembled there in just a few days. A modular office can be equipped on any landscape, and thanks to a well-thought-out design and a corrosion-resistant frame, it can be operated in any natural conditions.

Types of buildings